Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bitter sweet

Today has been a day that has enlightened, yet irritated me at the same time. I walked outside in the rain this morning. The tiny wildflowers are starting to poke up from the ground. I look at them & smile. It reminds me that the most beautiful things in the world are often the most over looked.

Now, for the bitter..
I have felt more frustrated today than I have in a very very long time. A combination of low energy & a dirty apartment drove me mad. Its still dirty, mostly disorganized. I have asked my husband several times to help me clean the kitchen or help me organize. But if I don't constantly nag him, it is never done. Right now I have subjected him to a little experiment- I asked him a week ago to take out the trash that's piled up on the back patio. I'm not going to remind him more than once a day that he promised to do so. Should we make bets on how long it takes him to do so? I think he thinks that if I forget about it, or don't notice it.. he doesn't have to do it. He does this with several things. I am not mad, simply frustrated because of my fatigue. I' m hoping tomorrow I can get the apartment in better shape & organize the bill book. :/

There are so many things I would like to be doing tonight.. sleeping would be my first option. Being a human alarm clock is starting to wear me down.

My ultimate goal is to rearrange my schedule: (am)

  • 5:00 wake up, get hubby up, 30 minute jog/walk with Kail. (Elliptical if the weather doesn't permit a jog)
  • 5:30 Breakfast for both of us & prepare hubby's lunch.
  • 6:00 Shower
  • 6:30 Yoga, some stretching and something nice to read.

Is that too much to ask for? ;)

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